Personal Mission Statement

My ministry flows from a deep burden within me. I am burdened by the thought of people turning away from God because they have been made to misunderstand God’s nature. My life’s purpose is to reflect who God really is by displaying God’s very nature. I will strive to be compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, forgiving, and just.

I am burdened by the stories of those whom, in their time of vulnerability, have been wounded by the church. I wish to serve as a guiding light in that darkness, and I aspire to create a space of healing for those who seek solace and restoration.

Moreover, I feel a calling to stand beside those in search of truth and meaning. I want to be a prayerful companion as together we find The Way.

I have been given eyes to see the masses troubled and helpless. I simply want to be a laborer in God’s field. All the glory goes to God.

As I strive to become more like my Father, reflecting God’s character for others to witness, I will teach the message of transformation. I will show others that Scripture is full of examples of people who were restored by the grace of God, a reality that is still happening today.

As I follow the example of Christ and tell God’s redeeming story, I pray that Spirit will empower me to go where God send me, do what God has for me to do, and speak the words God wants me to speak. This message is a fire in my bones, igniting everything I do with passion and purpose.

Philosophy of Ministry

Ephesians 4:13 …until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

I firmly believe that God is inviting us all to live a life in communion with God, and my role in that invitation is to provide a space to build spiritual maturity in every seeker, volunteer, and staff member that is a part our ministry. I wish to walk alongside others as they learn to recognize the redemptive work of God already taking place in our midst and become people who desire to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus does, offering grace, hope, love, and reconciliation.

Practically speaking, I cannot do this on my own. I seek to be a missional leader, equipping missional partners from within the body of Christ so that they may join in the transforming work that Holy Spirit is doing in the lives of others. Together, we teach others to love our magnificent Father by following the perfect example of the Son as much as Spirit enables us.

As a missional leader, I see myself as a gardener, creating an environment for growth. Providing seekers and leaders with the resources they need to flourish. Always being attentive to what God is doing for us, what God is doing through us, and what God is doing in us, I seek to be a leader who is deeply formed by living into and out of the fullness of who God is, what God has done, and what God is doing with respect to my personal life, the ministry our God has entrusted to me, the church of which I am a part, and the world around me.