Let's Talk About



My name is Christopher Jackson, and I have a passion for connecting everyday life to a deeper theology, and finding restoration in myself and those around me.


This website serves as an introduction to myself and the ministries I am a part of. It is such an honor to have you join me. You are most welcome here.

Who I am

I am a spiritual director based in central Arkansas, and it brings me immense joy and honor to walk alongside others on their spiritual journeys. Through local and remote direction, I have had the privilege of witnessing Jesus leading individuals towards a deeper knowledge of Him.

My passion for ministry is not limited to spiritual direction alone, I have also dedicated several years to youth ministry. This experience has taught me the art of connecting everyday life and ministry to a deeper theology, empowering others and myself to discover a flourishing life.

My journey as a spiritual director has allowed me to apply the lessons I have learned and continue to grow, guiding individuals towards a deeper understanding of their spiritual beliefs, values, and experiences.

If you wish to learn more about me and my ministry, I invite you to explore my bio, mission statement, philosophy of ministry, and resume. For those interested in exploring spiritual direction further, I welcome you to click the "spiritual direction" button below. This will lead you to my private practice, where you can delve deeper into the possibilities of embarking on a transformative spiritual direction journey together. I am eager to be your companion on this enriching path towards a more profound connection with yourself, others, and the divine.


What I think

From time to time I use this site to share some of my thoughts on various topics, ranging from ministry insights to projects I am currently working on. My blog serves as a platform for me to express and explore my ideas, and I invite you to check it out.

As a spiritual director and a pastor, I am continually learning and evolving in my understanding of different subjects. While I don’t claim to have everything figured out, I am eager to share my journey with you. If you find the topics intriguing, I would be most delighted if you would join me on this exploration.

Apart from my blog, I also use this site to post some of the lessons that I teach. I hope that these lessons not only bring you encouragement, but also challenge you to grow in your own spiritual journey.

Thank you for visiting my site, and I pray that you find inspiration and insights in the thoughts and lessons I share. May they be a source of encouragement as you seek to deepen your connection with the divine and navigate your own unique path of growth and discovery.


Let's talk!

If you would like to have a conversation with me about ministry, invite me to speak, use one of my posts, are seeking spiritual direction, or just want to get to know me better, please feel free to contact me using the contact form.

I look forward to hearing from you!